Saturday, June 28, 2008

Okay everybody. Good luck to everyone else, but my brain is sputzing and I'm basically going to give up now. I mean. I'm going to finish Harry Potter, but I'm also going to go for a walk and just let my brain unstupify, because... it got stupified. :D I do love this book, though. I'm glad I finally sat down to read it. Yes, I'm the only person on the plannet who hasn't.

I shouldn't have kept trying to read that other book that was just making me mad. :P Next time I'll know better.

Good luck, everyone!


Eva said...

Awww: well, I hope you had fun while you participated! Maybe you'll decide to keep going after a nice break. :D

Dewey said...

Looks like you went for a walk just about the time the mini-challenge was to go for a walk! :)

Please let me know if you keep participating, ok?

Vasilly said...

Getting some fresh air will make you feel so much better. I just came back from my walk.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, too bad, Anna! I hope you decide to come back after some sleep. We'll miss you!

Maree said...

Hope you get some rest and maybe a second wind. :)

Bybee said...

I know about that brain thing firsthand...

Eva said...

Congrats!! I hope you had a ton of fun!!